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Jonathan Edmiston “Danger Nate” set a new Guinness World Record for "Fastest Straitjacket Escape" using a Posey Straitjacket with a time of 20.72 seconds on July 4th 2007 at the Independence Day Celebration on the US Naval Base in Yokosuka, Japan.
On September 27 2003, James Peters (UK) escaped from a Posey straitjacket 193 times in eight hours at the YMCA in Chelmsford.
On August 5, 2006, Magician, Michal Angelo(USA) set a new record by escaping from a regulation straitjacket while being fully submerged under water in a time of 29.1 seconds, beating the previous 38.59 second record by Ben Bradshaw.
On January 8th 2005, at the Arndale Centre, Manchester David Straitjacket set the Guinness World Record for the fastest straitjacket escape in a time of 81.24 seconds.
On June 19, 2005, Ben Bradshaw performed a Posey Straitjacket escape using four backstraps, an arm loop, a crotch strap, arm straps and self-tightening clasps, Bradshaw was able to throw it to the ground in a time of 50.08 seconds on the Guinness World Records studio, beating the previous 81.24-second record by David Straitjacket.
Joan Crawford starred in the 1964 film Strait Jacket. Finally the frequency of success times the payout minus the amount wagered equals the "expected value" The skill of a gambler lies in
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