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Nevertheless, sports history is riddled with several incidents of athletes conspiring with gamblers to fix the outcomes of sporting events, or criminals acting against athletes whose on-field performance affected their wagers.
In 1919, gamblers bribed several members of the Chicago White Sox to throw the World Series. Joseph Schumpeter credits the late scholastics of the 14th to 17th century as "coming nearer than any other group to being the 'founders' of scientific economics" as to monetary, interest, and value theory within a
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Two other groups, later called 'mercantilists' and 'physiocrats', more directly influenced the subsequent development of the subject. This ratio (expressed as a percentage), commonly called the rate on line for historical reasons related to underwriting practices at Lloyd's of London, will typically be low for contracts that contain reasonably self-evident risk transfer. Accordingly, farmers have a need for crop insurance to cover the risk of growing crops associated with particular attributes.
Credit Insurance is an insurance policy associated with a specific loan or line of credit which pays back some or all of any money owed should certain things happen to the borrower, such as death, disability, or unemployment.
The costs (called a "premium") for this are usually charged monthly, depending on the balance owed, and depending on the usage of the loan or line, could almost double the cost of it (on the opposite end of the spectrum, clever usage could avoid having to pay almost any premium at
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The sale of credit insurance is controversial because it is almost always cheaper for an individual to forgo credit insurance, and instead have a term life insurance or disability insurance policy to cover the credit balance. This entails injection of the drug alprostadil (sold as Caveject in a proprietary injector, but also available as a generic medication)into the penis ten to fifteen minutes prior to initiating sex. The reinsurer assumes significant insurance risk under the
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