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The dealer then exposes one community card. The arms are then folded across the front, with the ends of the sleeves wrapping around to fasten or tie behind the back. It is also used to describe organizations that use these techniques ("managed care organization").[45] Many of these techniques were pioneered by HMOs, but they are now used in a wide variety of private health insurance programs.
Network-based managed care
Many managed care programs are based on
Tramadol mg a panel or network of contracted health care providers. Thus, "discrimination" against (i.e., differential treatment of) potential insureds in the risk evaluation and premium-setting process is a necessary by-product of the fundamentals of insurance underwriting. Mortality tables currently in use by life insurance companies in the United States are individually modified by each company using pooled industry experience studies as a starting point
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Where risk transfer is "reasonably self-evident."“ Risk transfer is reasonably self-evident in most traditional per-risk or per-occurrence excess of loss reinsurance contracts. Another common rider is premium waiver, which waives future premiums if the insured becomes disabled.
Joint life insurance is either a term or permanent policy insuring two or more lives with the proceeds payable on the first death.
Survivorship life or second-to-die life is a whole life policy insuring two lives with the proceeds payable on the second (later) death.
Single premium whole life is a policy with only one premium which is payable at
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Modified whole life is a whole life policy that charges smaller premiums for a specified period of time after which the premiums increase for the remainder of the policy.
Group life insurance is term insurance covering a group of people, usually employees of a company or members of a union or association. Based on current technology, this is a time consuming process and as such is done infrequently