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Depending on
tramadol buy in uk without prescription cod the particular blackjack rules in a given casino, basic strategy reduces the house advantage to near 0 with some single-deck games, and less than one percent in a multi-deck game.[3] Card counting, if done correctly, can give the player an advantage in the other direction, typically ranging from 0 to 2% over the house.[4] To counter card counting, many casinos switched from a single deck to multiple decks, with the cards dealt out of a container known as a "shoe".
In most US jurisdictions, card counting is legal and is not considered cheating.[5] However, most casinos have the right to ban players, with or without cause, and card counting is frequently used as a justification to ban a player. It would be naive to think that any management would forego management compensation, and management entrenchment, just because some of these management privileges might be perceived as giving rise to a conflict of interest with OPMIs."' [8]
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