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What is often missing from the debate is that prohibiting the use of legitimate, actuarially sound factors means that an insufficient amount is being charged for a given risk, and there is thus a deficit in the system. Alprazolam should not generally be used for longer periods because the body becomes rapidly tolerant to the drug's effects with the risk of withdrawal symptoms when discontinuing the drug.
Usually, Xanax comes in
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The Xanax XR formulation is usually marketed as:
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There is now a general consensus among psychiatrists that alprazolam and other benzodiazepines can cause withdrawal symptoms after long-term treatment and discontinuation should be done gradually over a period of months (or even up to a year) to avoid serious withdrawal symptoms such as agitation, panic attacks, rebound anxiety, muscle cramps and seizures.[citation needed] Some patients may benefit from a substitution with diazepam or clonazepam as these drugs remain in
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