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The insurance company receives the premiums from the policy owner and invests them to create a pool of money from which it can pay claims and finance the insurance company's operations. A common form of this design is term insurance.
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War and Allied Risks although these are "written back" by a device called "The Extended Coverage Endorsement - AVN 52E".
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Both the Aircraft and General Liability policies usually includes the "war and allied perils" exposure by way of a "write back" and will probably provide for such things as search and rescue expenses, first aid and other humanitarian expenses and also defence costs.
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Another important example in this category is that if your injury is someone else's fault, their liability coverage from, say, an auto, home, or personal umbrella policy may pay for your lost income, and therefore you will not make a claim on your own policy.
How much money will be paid per week/month/pay period?
For example, it is rare for any policy to pay the full amount of the beneficiary's regular salary. Disable these and try again, or see below