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Because the reel display of modern slot machines is controlled by computer software, it is possible to make the slot machine frequently display combinations that are close to winning combinations. This is the same doctrine that allows credit card issuers based in South Dakota and Delaware — states that abolished their usury laws — to offer credit cards nationwide.[6] As federal banking regulators became aware of this practice, they began prohibiting these partnerships between commercial banks and payday lenders. Normal rectal temperature generally ranges from 36 to 38 °C (97.6 to 100.4 °F) and is about 0.5 °C (1 °F) above oral (mouth) temperature and about 1 °C (2 °F) above axillary (armpit) temperature.
Many pediatricians recommend that parents take infants and toddler's temperature in the rectum for two reasons:
(1) Rectal temperature is the closest to core body temperature and in children that young, accuracy is critical.
(2) Younger children are unable to cooperate when having their temperature taken by mouth (oral) which is recommended for children, ages 6 and above and for adults.
In recent years, the introduction of ear (tympanic) thermometers and changing attitudes on purchase tramadol hydrochloride privacy and modesty have led some parents and doctors to discontinue taking rectal temperatures.
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The Place Bet: This allows you to place a bet on the probability or likelihood that a certain dice will be rolled. The double dozen bet version uses two dozen bets and half the stake list size of the single dozen bet version.
One bet of 2 pieces on the 1st column and one bet of 2 pieces on the 3rd column covers most of the red numbers on the table. Thus, "discrimination" against (i.e., differential treatment of) potential insureds in the risk evaluation and premium-setting process is a necessary by-product of the fundamentals of insurance underwriting